Learn More About the Four R’s 

When learning about how to decrease your plastic footprint, the four R’s are an important topic for both Elijah and YOU to continue into your daily routine.

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Say NO to plastic when possible! Before using an item, ask yourself if you need the item? Sometimes, you can find a reusable option, but what is even better is not needing to find any option at all! It may seem polite to always say “yes” when offered an unnecessary item, such as free samples of food at the grocery store, but it hurts the Earth. 


Start thinking through every item you take. Reducing and refusing are related, they must work together. This is because there are times that you would rather not refuse. Imagine a bakery worker gives out free samples of your favorite cake every Thursday! Instead of always saying no, start saying no to cake most of the time. Then maybe every once in a while, enjoy the cake! You deserve it for taking a step towards a greener Earth.



One example of reusing that you probably know is when you are given hand-me-downs (clothes, furniture, toys, and other items that were once owned by someone else before you). You can be a part of the cycle of reusing through choosing thrift stores and second-hand stores instead of buying new. When you are finished with a book, do not throw it away– give it to a friend, a neighbor, or even donate it to your local homeless shelter! Donating your items is both great for the environment, as well as those in need. Remember your “trash” may be considered a special item to someone else!



Though recycling may be the easiest option for a lot of waste, it should always be your last option!

Why? It’s simple– we are gathering too many recycling items! In 2018, China stopped accepting America’s recycling because their recycling plants were overfilling! 

Despite this, recycling is still extremely important! It creates new items out of our old plastics. When shopping, look at the labels of what you buy (see above for examples). Try to find items that have been created from recycled material and that can also be recycled once you are finished! 

Many people forget that you must take certain steps to prep your recycling! Here you can talk to your parents, and show them this website which explains the best way to recycle.

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Works Cited


Gray, Madeline. “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and, Most Importantly, Refuse.Daily Titan, 6 June 2019.

How2Recycle.” How2Recycle.

Limited, Alamy. “Stock Photo - D. I. y Plastic Bottle for Children, Crafts with Children, Reuse Water Bottle. Pink Pots in the Form of Pigs. Recycling of Plastic Waste.” Alamy.

Melgar, Carolyn. “Ways to Reduce Waste in Your Everyday Routine.” Green Mountain Energy Company, 14 May 2018.

Single-Use Plastic.” AskHRGreen.