Learn More About Pollution 

As Elijah continues to learn about pollution, so can you!

Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is super important because it is caused by humans. It is our responsibility to fix this issue! When plastic litters the beaches, it is extremely harmful. In the Green Team, Elijah learned a little bit about how littering can damage the homes of fish living in the ocean. Whales get entangled in plastic fishing nets. Birds starve with bellies full of plastic straws and bottle caps. 

Pick a Beach

YOU get to choose: clean or dirty? Plastic or reusable? YOU are empowering! Choose GREEN!

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In the Green Team, Ellie focuses on teaching Elijah about plastic pollution, but there are many more types of pollution!

Air Pollution

Air pollution occurs when tiny particles from the earth travel into the air. This includes particles from man made substances, such as cars, trucks, and factories, as well as natural substances, such as pollen, dust, and even volcanoes! Air pollution can be bad because it hurts both the Earth and us!

Breathing in pollution hurts and weakens our lungs. That is why we must work together to create a healthier environment to live in! 

Check out this great video by It’s AumSum Time for more about air pollution.

All set? Click the button on the right to follow Elijah as he continues to learn more!

Works Cited


Connelly, Laylan. “Kids Ocean Day Celebrates 25 Years of Educating Youth to Keep Beaches Clean.Orange County Register, Orange County Register, 21 Nov. 2018.

 Julianelle, Mike, et al. “Dad and Kids Scrap Photo Session to Clean Beach.The Dad, 21 Aug. 2018.

The Problem With Plastics.” Timeforkids.com.

What Causes Air Pollution?NASA, NASA.